# IRC - Internet Relay Chat, ircd.conf
# Copyright (C) 1999, Adam Shields --
Ludacrous@mellorien.net # Copyright (C) 2003, BetaTEST --
betatest@ircnet.ru # Note that "*" in a field indicates an "unused" field.
# ========================================================================
# NOTE! this entire configuration file is read UPSIDE-DOWN! So if you have
# to put something in a specific order (for example, client-connection
# lines), put them in reverse order!
# ========================================================================
#<Ставим свое: "M:Название сервера:ip адрес:описание сервера:порт"!>
M:ircnet.org.ru:*:Ircnet.ru server:6667
<!Ставим свое: "A:Описание сервера:ник или имя админа:email админа"!>
A:Public server at PROV:Owner name [name@ircnet.ru]:-
# Y:connclass:ping frequency:connect frequency:maxlinks:sendq
Y:1:90:0:250:100000 # General users, no autoconnect
Y:50:90:60:1:4000000 # Hub to hub, autoconnect
Y:51:90:60:0:4000000 # Hub to hub, no autoconnect
Y:30:180:0:0:3500000 # Hub to leaf, no autoconnect
Y:40:90:90:1:3500000 # Leaf to hub, autoconnect
# I:IP-address-mask:optional password:domain-mask::connclass
<!Ставим свое: "O:ident:@:ip адрес:пароль:логин:флаги:класс"!>
# U:hostname:*:*
# K:hostname:reason:username
# Q::Reason:Nick
Q::Reserved for services:ChanServ
Q::Reserved for services:NickServ
Q::Reserved for services:MemoServ
Q::Reserved for services:OperServ
Q::Reserved for services:HelpServ
Q::Reserved for services:NewsServ
Q::Reserved for services:Global
Q::Reserved for operators:IRCop
# Z:IP mask:reason for zapping:*
# P::IP::port
# e:IP::*
# C:remoteIP:password:hostname in M-line:port:ConnClass
# N:remoteIP:password:hostname in M-line::ConnClass
# H:servers which are permitted entry::hub server
# C/N/H-line нужны для линковки в сеть и выдаются линк-админом.